A Critical Event Management Company
Stop the Bleeding
Randy Haight

One thing seems abundantly clear to me. Mass shootings are not going to go away overnight. There will be more until, collectively, as a nation, we figure out how to control gun violence.
Published reports state that it took the El Paso police about six minutes to arrive on-scene. By then, the shooter had departed and at least twenty people were dead with many more wounded by gunfire.
In Dayton, police reportedly responded within one minute and neutralized the gunman, but not before he had managed to kill nine people and wound many more.

The usual protocol for medical personnel responding to an active shooter is to stay out of the ‘hot zone’, until given an ‘all clear’ by law enforcement personnel.
To combat this issue, some law enforcement agencies are beginning to equip their patrol personnel with personal first-aid kits, much like the ‘blow-out kits’ utilized by our military personnel. These kits contain tourniquets, compression bandages and other basic first-aid materials necessary to deal with a gunshot or other traumatic injury.
As a former US Navy Hospital Corpsman (Medic) and a currently certified Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), I know that seconds, not minutes, count when someone has been shot. They cannot wait for the ‘all clear’ signal.

Perhaps it is time to consider placing basic blow-out type kits throughout commercial buildings. These kits could contain a number of tourniquets and compression bandages which could be deployed, when needed, in much the same way AEDs are used. Having this available could help save lives.
Active shooter training courses are available to schools, businesses, churches and other organizations. This training has been proved to save lives. Incorporating ‘stop the bleeding’ training into current Active Shooter Training Courses seems the logical next step as we learn to prevent, respond to, and most importantly, survive, an active shooter event.