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Highlights this Edition
Highlights in this volume include topics from Forbes, AFIMAC and ISB Global related to current human resource and security industry trends.
How HR Can Prep for an Unfavorable COVID Winter
Prepare for Significant Challenges to Your Productivity During the Second Wave
COVID has caused incredible amounts of stress on the health and well-being of workforces, even on those who are working from home. The mental and physical tolls are slowly adding up. With winter approaching, many of these challenges will be compounded with seasonal depression, the flu, and second and third waves of the coronavirus.
COVID-19 Has Proven That Physical Security is Integral to Everyday Business
Physical Security Has Never Been More Important
COVID-19 has managed to show an ugly side of the world. The stresses of the pandemic, compounded by political unrest and financial hardships, have caused many to turn to crime, including theft, looting, and vandalism. Businesses need to stay prepared for anything, plan for the worst, and invest in a comprehensive and in-depth security approach.
The Gap Between What C-Suite Leaders Think And What HR Executives And Employees Know About Their Workplaces
Anyone who has worked in a corporate environment for any length of time and isn't in the C-suite knows that there is typically a very wide gap between what senior leaders believe is going on in their organizations, versus what people at lower levels know to be true about their work culture, work challenges and the daily reality of their work-lives. And in many of the organizations where my coaching clients work, the HR executives often have their pulse on the realities of work but are not considered a valued or integral part of the senior leadership team.
2020 Data Report states that 86% of breaches were financially motivated.
Source: Verizon
A Successful Medical Transport During COVID-19 With Going Home Medical
Miriam was at a rehab hospital due to hip surgery when a sudden COVID-19 outbreak struck her facility. Unfortunately, Miriam caught the virus. Her family reached out to our emergency medical coordinators who took immediate action to get her back home, safely. Watch this short video to learn about her amazing journey.
Who We Are
ISB Global Services is a trusted provider of background checks, driver qualification systems, supply chain security programs, insurance technology, insurance-related documents and insurance-specific investigative services for small, medium and large-sized institutions.
FocusPoint International is in the business of identifying threats, mitigating risks, and responding to crises events impacting multinational organizations and individuals engaged in global business and leisure travel.
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