Coverage that surpasses any other offerings in the travel risk management industry.
Unlike insurance policies, CAP™ memberships provide an ad hoc approach to delivering emergency medical and nonmedical crisis assistance on a global scale. Through the CAP™ Travel Risk Portal and Travel
Tracker feature, members benefit from an online platform that provides information on the current threat profile of the travel environment, and enhances the overall ability to assess the travel risk associated
with global expansion. When assistance is needed anywhere in the world, there are no claim forms, no reimbursement processes or out of pockets expenses needed. One low cost membership provides
travelers with coverage for both short and long term trips abroad.
Partner. Onboard. Integrate.
Whether you already have another provider with less coverage, are developing your first travel
plan, have 5 or 5,000 traveling employees, FocusPoint will work to onboard and
seamlessly integrate you over to CAP™.
FocusPoint now offers its partners the ability to purchase CAP through its API – a powerful new way for our partners to customize, enhance, and integrate the CAP buying experience with their own websites and applications. Using the API, partners will have the ability to programmatically order CAP, update member information, sign up for travel alerts, and schedule trips.
The FocusPoint CAP API accepts XML data over an encrypted connection. Please contact us if you would like to discuss an implementation with your system. Technical documentation on the structure of the XML document is available upon request.