A Critical Event Management Company
When a Political Threat Evacuation Trigger is Substantiated by Those Manifesting Discord

What started as discontent with controversial legislation is now a new and novel form of travel crisis threat. Typically, an opposition group manifests against government policies, and that government cracks down on protestors all while violence escalates by action and re-action against opposing factions. Then, a foreign state/exterior relations office, after monitoring the ‘brewing’ of events, indicates to its citizens not to travel to the nation or region where the upheaval is taking place and that all citizens, under the foreign relations office jurisdiction, must evacuate. This is a typical political evac trigger.

Five years ago, FocusPoint International (FPI) began to provide a crisis response membership called Crisis Assistance Plus CAP™ to address the evolving threat of political violence. Regardless of triggers, government mandates, or travel warnings; if your safety, during a period of travel, is jeopardized by actions that result or pose an imminent threat of violence, it is FPI’s service guarantee to advise, assist, provide safe harbor and if necessary, evacuate the traveler home.
Travel Fearlessly!