Human Resource and Security Insights for Professionals
In the Know Newsletter Volume 19
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Temporary Labor and How It Can Help Your Business
Temporary Labor Solutions May Help Navigate Ongoing Labor Challenges Across North America
Common Background Checks for Employers
Employers have many options when selecting the right background check for their business.
Cover Letter, Resume, Vaccine Card? No Shot, No Pay For Some Workers
Covid-19 cases are on the rise again.
Labour Unrest and Contingency Planning
As business returns to normal and we recover from the pandemic, many firms are faced with challenging labour negotiations. Workers that were deemed essential during the pandemic are seeking significant gains. The labour market is tight, with most employers struggling to fill vacant positions. This has created the perfect storm. In addition, unions and management are reaching tentative agreements, only to have their members reject the contract at the ratification vote. This has created an environment where unions now sense it is time to recover past concessions.
Having a contingency plan will mitigate your risk and ensure you are able to continue business as usual and provide your labour relations team with the confidence needed to work through challenges during bargaining.
Date: Tuesday, September 14, 2021
Time: 1:15pm - 2:15pm EST
Cost: FREE
A recent Gartner HR survey finds 48% of organizations will not track employee COVID-19 vaccination status.
CAP Customer Testimonial: Evacuation from France During the Pandemic
As COVID-19 spread across France, many American travelers were left stranded. Find out how the medical and security evacuation benefits in the CAP Plan, helped one traveling family evacuate safely, when there were no other options.
Health and Wellness
Schedule Meetings with A Viable Clock
Who We Are
ISB Global Services is a trusted provider of background checks, driver qualification systems, supply chain security programs, insurance technology, insurance-related documents and insurance-specific investigative services for small, medium and large-sized institutions.
FocusPoint International is in the business of identifying threats, mitigating risks, and responding to crises events impacting multinational organizations and individuals engaged in global business and leisure travel.
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