In the Know Newsletter Volume 5
Vol. 005
Human Resource and Security Insights for Professionals
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Highlights this Volume
Highlights in this volume include topics related to pandemic fatigue, virtual picket lines, and how Biden's presidency could affect HR recruiting.
How Will Pandemic Fatigue Impact Recruiting
When the pandemic began, society experienced a lockdown with certain segments adapting to an indefinite work from home state. Some workforces and specialized industries were probably shocked at how much could be accomplished at home, with workers "mentally sprinting" into the spring months of 2020.
Virtual Picket Lines and Brand Shaming Extend Far Beyond the Workplace
With many companies opting for a remote approach to work, fleets of employees have had to adapt, seeking out new mediums for communication. Social media has become the new digital tool for employees to talk and share their gripes. Office gossip has moved from the water cooler to public forums like Twitter and Facebook.
Airlines Get Creative With Pre-Travel Testing
Many airlines are integrating creative ways to protect travelers and staff from COVID-19 to bring back some level of normalcy in 2021. Vacationers, airlines, and hotels are eager to return to pre-COVID levels of travel and jump-start the economy. Rapid testing could be the key, but its implementation proves to be a challenging hurdle that could take several months to refine.
How Biden's presidency will impact HR and talent mobility
The presidency of Joe Biden is expected to introduce changes to US immigration policies that directly affect the global HR and recruitment industry.
Looking to Connect? AFIMAC will be attending ASIS International Leadership Exchange 2021
Maria Teresa Septien will be attending.
Date: January 25-29, 2021
Where: Online
On average 70% of in-country goods are transported by trucks.
Health and Wellness
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Who We Are
ISB Global Services is a trusted provider of background checks, driver qualification systems, supply chain security programs, insurance technology, insurance-related documents and insurance-specific investigative services for small, medium and large-sized institutions.
FocusPoint International is in the business of identifying threats, mitigating risks, and responding to crises events impacting multinational organizations and individuals engaged in global business and leisure travel.
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