A Critical Event Management Company
Proactive vs. Reactive Corporate Security

In today’s world, companies conduct business in a global environment that can create real risk. International companies have to deal with potential threats to their overseas business travelers. Companies operating in politically volatile areas may be subject to local or regional conflicts or even terrorist activities that can cause a disruption in business or worse, create physical and personal security issues and liability concerns when it comes to duty of care obligations.
It does not matter if a company is a small local shop or a major international business; management must remain cognizant of potential threats and risks facing the organization. “Risks” refer to external danger, such as threatening behaviors exhibited by an employee or ex-employee, a criminal threat against a company, a terrorist act, threats against an executive, or a natural disaster close to a facility.
Many decision makers often think that a potential risk is not that significant or that they will not be the ones victimized. As a result, they make up excuses to justify not spending the money on the remote “possibility” that an incident would occur. Then, once a major security incident happens, these companies very quickly realize they are forced into a costly and time-consuming “reactive” mode to deal with the problem.
The following are some common elements related to those who find themselves unprepared to deal with a critical incident or security-related event:
- Putting off setting up a proper security response until an event or incident has occurred.
- Establishing a minimum level (or no level) of security defense instead of finding a more proactive posture and response to an event.
- Reluctance to bring in industry professionals who can evaluate potential risks and mitigate negative outcomes.
- A management mindset that the company can handle the problem themselves or with untrained in-house resources.
- Maintaining a “reactive” response mentality.

The approach to reactive security is to respond to past or current incidents rather than anticipate future threats. Whenever a company becomes a victim of a threat, management determines the level of threat and the level of damage and then installs measures to address the threat. The problem is that this leaves a huge gap, as it opens the door to a wide range of vulnerabilities and does not provide an effective response plan when it may be needed the most.
Many security companies support this style because it is easy to implement and provides a short-term answer for clients.
Proactive Security
Proactive security is a more complex process that requires logical and rational skill sets to address threats and prevent major incidents before they happen. Preventative measures taken by a company to anticipate potential situations can save them from experiencing devastating events that can lead to crippling losses. Some companies are employing proactive security procedures on both their physical assets and their sensitive data, such as intellectual property and customer records. As a part of this approach, many of these companies are hunting for hackers.
Concerning protective services, the key to a successful protection program is deeply embedded in its proactive work. While strong tactical skills and operational knowledge are necessary, relying on them alone would be a mistake. It is much more cost-effective and safer to proactively detect and resolve potential threats than to wait for them to occur and be forced to react to them as they happen.

Those who participate in proactive security will find that this is a fundamental element in developing an effective and efficient contingency and response plan. When it comes to safety and security, being proactive is the key. Waiting for the next emergency is costly and a recipe for disaster.
FocusPoint International Offerings
In the intricate web of corporate security challenges, companies need a partner that brings expertise, agility, and innovative critical event management solutions. FocusPoint International stands at the forefront of this realm, offering tailored security services to safeguard assets, personnel, and corporate reputations. With a blend of technology, intelligence, and on-ground expertise, FocusPoint ensures that businesses can operate seamlessly in an ever-evolving global landscape, no matter the threat or region. You can trust in their comprehensive approach to security and travel risk management for a world where businesses can thrive without compromising their security needs.